What is Non-Ferrous Metal

Non-ferrous metal is a type of metal that does not contain iron. The most common non-ferrous metals are aluminum, lead, Nickel, tin and copper. These metals are used in a variety of products. For instance, in automobile parts, plumbing fixtures and electronics, etc.

Chemical makeup of non-ferrous metals donot contain a significant quantity of iron. This indicates that they may or may not contain some trace levels of iron. But they do not contain significant concentrations.

Iron is typically present in non-ferrous metal alloys at a weight percentage of less than 1%. (which is why we call them non-ferrous alloys). A metal is referred to as ferrous if it contains more than 1% iron by weight.

Properties of Non Ferrous Metal

Non-ferrous metals are alloys since they don’t only contain iron. As a result, they can be used to create a variety of items, including castings, weldments, and even tools!

Non-ferrous metals do not exist in a vacuum. While some are soft and ductile, others are hard and brittle. Non-ferrous metals are not only required for applications that need cryogenics. But it is also needed in other applications which demand extremely high temperatures. There are a lot of differences in terms of the qualities and traits of these materials. But they all also share the same trait: they don’t rust.

That’s correct. As we know, non-ferrous metals don’t contain a sizable proportion of iron. That’s why they will never rust like iron. So you don’t need to search for them. Just check your nearby hardware store or online. if you’re seeking for a material that doesn’t rust!


Aluminum is another metal famous for its longevity because it will last long into the future. Plus without needing maintenance or replacing parts. It has not only high strength and stiffness (great for structural applications). But it can also be easily machined because of its malleable nature.

A non-ferrous alloy with a very wide range of applications is aluminum. It’s one of the most abundant metals, meaning that it’s found everywhere in nature. It is used in the maritime equipment sector. It is also used in aerospace and building industries. Although it is more ductile and not as strong as steel, you can alloy aluminum to produce very high strengths.

So, aluminum is lighter than steel, it is easy to use in docks or bridges. Additionally, aluminum creates a shielding oxide layer. The layer lessens the danger of damaging corrosion. Aluminum is also used in structural materials like beams, rails and kitchenware.


Copper is another well-known non-ferrous metal. The color of copper is a metal that lies between red and brown. It is similar to carbon steel in that it is less strong and more ductile when it is unalloyed.

However, you can alloy copper with a variety of elements. For instance, if you want mechanical qualities of a piece you can alloye it with aluminum. Bronze is the result of alloying copper and tin. Brass is a copper alloy that contains a large percentage of zinc. You can use copper alloys in electrical parts like wires, terminals, and other connector types. It is also used in money like the Canadian or American penny (albeit just as a coating). Further, all the pipes for plumbing, toolings, and aesthetic work are produced with copper and its alloys.


Lead is a soft, malleable and heavy metal. It’s also toxic to humans, which makes it an unwelcome addition to our environment. Lead has been used for centuries in a variety of products such as batteries and paints because of its high density and resistance to corrosion. Lead is a metal that can be found in a number of different sources, including ammunition and soil. It’s the most common nonferrous metal found in target practice ammo. Because it helps bullets travel through wood or paper more easily when fired at targets like bows or arrows.

However, this does not mean that you should eat it! Lead is toxic and can harm your health if ingested. Lead has been used for thousands of years in industrial applications. But it can also be found in other consumer products like paints, solders, and pipes.


Nickel is a relatively common non-ferrous metal. This is also the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, after oxygen. Nickel is an excellent alloy, possessing good corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity.

Nickel is a great metal to use in your cryogenic equipment. Because it’s durable. It is also resistant to corrosion and high-temperature conditions. Plus, it doesn’t cost much.

Similar to copper and aluminum, nickel isn’t used in its pure form very often. It’s commonly alloyed with other metals to provide better chemical and mechanical qualities.

You can’t beat nickel for its durability, temperature and corrosion resistance properties. Nickel is also alloyed with other elements to provide better chemical and mechanical qualities. Some examples of nickel alloys uses are :

  • tanks,
  • hot-section aeronautical equipment
  • maritime equipment.

Nickel is also used to make other alloys. These include:

The combination of Aluminum & nickel alloys is used to get high strength even at high temperatures.

The combination of Copper & nickel alloys is used where high corrosion resistance and strength is required.

Titanium-nickel alloys—this combination is used in some parts of aircraft engines that need high heat resistance. It is also able to withstand extreme cold conditions without freezing up on them (like metal pipes).

This list is not exhaustive; there are numerous others that have been used in the past. For instance, tungsten is a metal that was used for its malleability. Titanium is used as a light metal with excellent strength properties. Zinc is used in all industries. The list also includes jewelry making non ferrous metals like silver, gold, and platinum. And platinum is an extremely dense pure metal used for industrial purposes).


We hope you enjoyed this article about non-ferrous metals. We learned everything about non ferrous metals and their uses. If you want to learn more about any of these metals. You can get in touch with us before making an investment decision on which one is right for you!

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